TheOakland CityScoop

Acupuncture News
Oakland, CA

Oakland, CA – Is Herbal Medicine Right for Me? Tips from an Herbalist.

I frequently get asked: “Would herbal medicine be right for me?” While the answer is “it depends,” the following information can be useful when considering starting herbal therapy. Do you have a health condition that you’d like to work on? Many of us have either subtle or more significant health imbalances in our bodies due to our diet, our lifestyle, o…

Oakland, CA – Acupressure and Massage for Constipated Children

Many children struggle with constipation. For some children it can be fleeting – a single meal or a day without sufficient fluids might cause a problem but their system rebounds within a few days. The more troubling concerns are when a child repeatedly (every few weeks or more frequently) experiences constipation. The good news is that parents can use at-hom…

Oakland, CA – Acupressure to Get Teething Babies Out of Pain

Teething is a painful process for babies and for their families. It can be excruciating to see your child in a lot of pain and can be difficult for you to manage his or her fussiness, low grade fever, constant drooling, difficulty sleeping, and frequent biting on things. Thankfully there are some at-home tips to help your little one through this process.…

Oakland, CA – Natural Solutions for PCOS – Acupuncture and Herbs

Have you struggled with very delayed or inconsistent length menstrual cycles for much of your life? Perhaps you also carry more weight than you think you should based on your diet and lifestyle, you have excess hair on your face or chest, and/or you tend towards oily skin or acne. Together, these symptoms may indicate polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), a ho…

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Inspire Family Acupuncture

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523 47th Street,
Oakland, CA 94609, USA

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523 47th Street,
Oakland, CA 94609, USA



BIO: Inspire Family Acupuncture focuses on treating children's health, stress/anxiety/insomnia, women's health conditions, pain, and digestive disorders. I am passionate about helping my patients learn about themselves and become empowered to make needed changes to restore balance and gain strength in their physical and emotional lives.