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July 31, 2018

MAPLE RIDGE, BC – Indoor Signs, Reviewing and Maximizing Their Effectiveness

Posted in: Industry News

Companies often put up some new indoor signs and feel that the job is done. We advise, however, that you review your indoor signs regularly. This way, you can get them to work for you the best they can, and you can remove those that aren’t earning their keep.

Here are three points to consider.

1. Is the sign out of date? Does it refer to a past event, or a product or service you no longer provide? If so, replace it with a sign that offers more current information. Displaying obsolete information gives customers (or staff) the impression your company isn’t at the cutting edge. This can affect your sales. You also risk wasting man hours putting customers straight with updated information or having to deal with incorrect orders.

2. Is the sign looking tired? We pride our signs on staying brighter and clearer than any others on the market. Over time, however, every sign gets a little faded from the sun.

Acrylic and wood signs are the most vulnerable. Metal signs need a good polish and clean from time to time to keep them looking fresh. If you can’t reinvigorate an old sign with a bit of TLC, it might be more affordable than you think to buy another.

If you don’t keep your signs in good shape, your customers may associate your business as being tired and stale too.

3. Does the sign belong to another era? The information on the sign is current, but the format in which it’s presented could be more modern. Unless you sell vintage products, antique signs can give completely the wrong impression of your business. They might look cute, but if they don’t fit the zeitgeist of your business, it’s time to take them down and replace them with something that is perfect your business.

Today’s indoor signs are much more sophisticated than the old one-dimensional signs of yesteryear. Wall spacers give depth. They can be back-lit subtly to create a warm, comfortableenvironment for consumers. Scrolling LED displays maximize the information displayed and provide a touch of excitement.

High-quality indoor signs are great for making your visitors feel comfortable, which in turn makes them more likely to spend money and spread the word. Just don’t forget to give your signs an overhaul now and then to keep your environment fresh and current.

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