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February 06, 2020

Louisville, KY | 3 Common Fire Hazards in Schools | Fire Damage Restoration News

Posted in: Industry News

What are the potential fire hazards that you need to pay special attention to when in school?

School and college campuses around the country are full of hardworking students and dedicated teachers who spend a large proportion of their day inside these premise. For the most part, the management of a school is responsible for creating a safe and secure environment for its students and teachers. However, students can also play an important role in helping to minimize the chances of any dangerous accidents.

This is particularly important in the case of potential fire hazards. Most schools take extensive fire safety measures to protect the premises from fire hazards. They even have regular fire drills to prepare students and teachers in how to handle a fire emergency. Students, on the other hand, don’t always make an effort to ensure that their school remains safe from fire damage.

As a student, you should take the initiative to ensure you and your friends avoid making careless mistakes that could lead to a dangerous fire accident taking place inside the premises of your school. Continue reading this article to find out some basic guidelines that will help you avoid a fire hazard in your school.


Most colleges prevent students from smoking in the dorm halls. However, some students don’t take the rule seriously.

Smoking indoors, whether it is a room or a dormitory, can have negative consequences. A student can doze off after lighting a cigarette or worse, be careless when dumping the burns of a lit cigarette into a garbage can.

These are all careless mistakes that you should avoid at all costs. You should also stay vigilant at all times and also tell the other students to follow all the standard norms of smoking outdoors.

Electrical Appliances

Many high schools prevent students from keeping electrical appliances in their dormitories. This is because electrical appliances come with the risk of short circuits that generate sparks. These sparks can easily cause a to start inside the premises if they land on a highly flammable object like carpets or curtains.

Another potential problem with electrical outlets is that the students end up plugging excessive things in them. The pressure overloads the circuit and results in electrical fires.

This is why, as a responsible member of the student body, you should be careful while using electrical appliances in the dormitory. There should also be a public warning regarding the dangers of over plugging in an electrical outlet.



The presence of clutter in an indoor space helps fires spread more rapidly. This is why hanging too many posters or keeping books stacked on top of one another on tables can basically add fuel to the fire. As a responsible student, you should ensure that the campus is clutter-free and unnecessary banners are posters are replaced with flyers or an email.

It is difficult to control a fire in a cramped space. The fire spreads at a rapid pace reducing the reaction time and leading to maximum damage to school property.

The school administration should make it a point to limit the stuff students are allowed to put on the walls. Some schools, for example, allow students to cover only 50% of the walls with posters and announcements they want to share.

As a student, you should take action to ensure that you don’t allow the formation of these fire hazards in your school. You also need to be vigilant that all fire safety measures are taken in your school and fire extinguishers are at your disposal in case of an accident.

Please visit our website to connect with professionals that can help you make your school fireproof.




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