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August 31, 2022

Louisville, KY – Feeling Stuck in Your Career Path | Business Coaches Advice

Posted in: Industry News

Business CoachDuring the global pandemic, the U.S. experienced a substantial employment shift where several jobs transitioned to work-from-home and hybrid schedules. This transition forced people to reevaluate their career paths and goals, and many people started or considered starting a business! Collectively, people acknowledged how they dreaded their previous jobs and were living on autopilot just to pay bills. Post-shutdown, many experienced a new dilemma: should they return to their old jobs or embark on a new path?

If you’re experiencing this, there are important self-evaluations I encourage my clients to make to determine if their current career is right for them:

  • Do you feel like you’re making the difference or impact you desire?
  • Does your job utilize your natural talents?

Ultimately, you should figure out if you feel happy, fulfilled, and proud of your career. It is essential to honestly evaluate your current circumstances to begin to explore what other options and possibilities you have!

How to Stop Feeling Stuck With Work

When making a change in your career, here are three necessary steps to take:

  • Honestly acknowledge your current situation and where you are on your personal journey.
  • Complete an official assessment to have a concise analysis of where you are and how you compare to others.
  • Reach out to a coach or mentor to guide you and hold you accountable for your goals and aspirations.

Self-evaluation is integrated into the first step: if you feel depressed, disengaged, unmotivated, and underdeveloped, you know that your career is not fulfilling you. It will not promote your growth and is a sign that change is needed. Once you’ve determined where you are on your journey, completing an official assessment (such as my Diamond Mapping assessment) can give you a specific and data-backed analysis of your current position. You will plot the course to your new career or lifestyle. Finally, invest in a mentor or coach! People need an objective and qualified perspective for guidance and to hold them accountable for making the changes they need to succeed in their careers.

How Business Coaching Gets You on the Track to Success

I guided one of my clients in identifying their unresolvable stagnation in their previous company and then assisted them in landing an executive position at a different global firm! They earned about double the amount they made previously and had more responsibilities, finally allowing them to advance in their career!

Ready to transform your personal and professional life? Call 719-640-8226 or click here to book a consultation with me! Want more advice on how to solve and prevent career burnout? Click here to listen to the Soar Higher Podcast episode 14 to learn how to get out of being stuck in an undesirable career!

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