TheLawrence Township CityScoop

Business Coaching News
Lawrence Township, NJ

Lawrence, NJ – Business Coach Discusses Common Strategic Planning Problems

With expertise guiding businesses in Lawrence, NJ and nationwide as a FocalPoint coach, I've observed strategic planning trips up companies time and again. Why does an exercise meant to provide clarity and direction so commonly miss the mark? In my work facilitating planning retreats, I’ve pinpointed recurring issues that undermine the process. Firstly, s…

Hopewell, NJ – Sales Training Advice for Restaurants | Business Coaching News

With years of experience advising food service entrepreneurs throughout New Jersey as a FocalPoint coach, I’ve seen unrefined hospitality and sales skills sabotage too many eateries. Owners often hyper focus on perfecting menus while underestimating the impact front-of-house staff have in converting first-time patrons into raving, high-spending regulars.…

Lawrence, NJ – Top Recruiting Strategies from a Certified Local Business Coach

Amid historically low unemployment and intensifying competition for talent, recruiting top-tier employees in Lawrence poses immense challenges for local employers. While hesitant to settle, organizations often lack sophistication in strategically sourcing, selecting and securing ideal candidates despite resource investments. As a seasoned FocalPoint coach…

Lawrence, NJ – Overview: Sales Training Services from a Local Business Coach

With buyer expectations rising and competition intensifying amid constant change, sales teams in Lawrence face immense pressure to deliver results. While motivated to succeed, many talented reps lack the critical skills and strategic frameworks to excel in an increasingly complex role. This is where working with an expert FocalPoint coach pays dividends.…

CityScoop is the top ranked local business news network in the United States. Established in 2008, CityScoop has been providing local communities with high quality news about local businesses and their most recent projects.

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