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January 29, 2024

Lafayette, CA – FAQs About Hormone Panel Testing Services for Weight Loss

Posted in: Industry News

Have you been doing everything “right” to lose weight with no results? Restricting calories, avoiding sugar, logging hours at the gym, yet the scale won’t budge? You’re likely beyond frustrated that your tireless efforts haven’t paid off. We get it – and we have answers. There’s one sneaky saboteur that often derails weight loss goals despite your best intentions: hormone imbalance. At our functional medicine clinic Cambiati Wellness Programs in Lafayette, CA, we specialize in a comprehensive hormone panel to get to the root of inexplicable weight loss resistance. Could your hormones be working against you?

What hormones does the panel test?

Our panel analyzes key hormones that regulate appetite, metabolism, fat storage, and more. This includes reproductive hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. It also looks at stress hormones including cortisol and DHEA. The thyroid hormones T3 and T4 are evaluated as well since they control the body’s energy expenditure.

Why is testing important?

Hormones work together in delicate balance. When certain hormones become elevated or deficient, it can shift the body into “fat storage mode” rather than “fat burning mode.” Testing gives us objective data to pinpoint exactly where the imbalance exists so we can personalize treatment to correct it.

How can hormones impact weight?

Hormones tell our body when to store or release fat. For example, elevated cortisol from chronic stress signals to store fat around the abdomen. Low thyroid slows metabolism making it easier to gain and harder to lose weight. Excess estrogen and low testosterone can increase fat accumulation as well.

Don’t doctors already test hormones?

Yes, but standard lab reference ranges don’t always reflect optimal zones. You could still have mild hormone issues causing weight loss resistance even if results are “normal.” Our analysis uses functional ranges tailored specifically for fat loss troubleshooting.

What else can the panel reveal? 

Imbalanced hormones often overlap with infertility, sleep disruption, low energy, mood swings, and more. Comprehensive testing allows us to identify and address the root cause of multiple concerns. We consider the whole picture of your biochemistry and lifestyle instead of isolated symptoms.

Why choose Cambiati Wellness Programs?

As nutritionists skilled in functional medicine and lab analysis, we relate symptoms to root causes for lasting solutions. We recognize the influence of hormones and customize protocols using food, herbs, supplements, and lifestyle changes specific to your imbalances. Our goal is to help you lose weight by bringing your hormones back into harmony.

What happens after testing?

You’ll meet with our team to review results and map out a therapeutic plan. We’ll adjust diet, gut health, nutrients, and stress levels tailored to your hormone panel report. Ongoing accountability and support provides the key for long term success. Start feeling like your best self again!

Now you have a deeper understanding of how intricate hormone interplay can inadvertently encourage weight gain and impede fat burning. Are you ready to find out what’s really happening inside your body? Contact Cambiati Wellness Programs in Lafayette, CA to schedule your comprehensive hormone testing today. We’ll analyze your objective lab results, pinpoint areas of imbalance, and customize a treatment plan to bring your hormones back into harmony so you can finally lose the weight. Why keep spinning your wheels when answers could be a simple lab test away? Call now to investigate hormone imbalance as an overlooked barrier to achieving your health goals once and for all.

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