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October 31, 2023

Lafayette, CA – FAQs About Medical Nutrition Testing Services | Wellness News

Posted in: Industry News

Testing creates clarity. Testing reveals root causes. Testing sparks breakthroughs. At Cambiati Wellness Programs in Lafayette, CA, we are passionate about using advanced medical nutrition testing to transform clients’ health. But for many, testing remains a mystery. In this article, we will demystify medical nutrition testing and answer frequently asked questions to help you determine if testing is right for your unique needs.

What types of tests do you offer?

We offer cutting-edge tests to uncover the root causes of your symptoms. These include:

  • Gut microbiome testing to assess digestive health and its far-reaching impact on the mind and body. An imbalanced microbiome can spark inflammation, brain fog, skin issues, fatigue, mood disorders, and more.
  • Micronutrient testing to identify any vitamin, mineral, or antioxidant deficiencies. We can then create a personalized protocol to replenish them.
  • Thyroid testing beyond just TSH and T4 to check all markers—many people have thyroid dysfunction even with “normal” results.
  • Food sensitivity testing to pinpoint trigger foods causing mysterious symptoms.
  • Genetic testing to hack your health through a DNA-customized plan.
  • Hormone testing to get to the bottom of exhaustion, sleep issues, weight gain, and other hormone-related problems.
  • COVID and antibody testing for peace of mind.
  • Specialized tests like MTHFR, telomeres, heavy metals, and more.

Why is testing important?

Simply put, testing provides clarity and personalized solutions. We do not take a one-size-fits-all approach. Through testing, we can identify the unique nutritional and biochemical factors impacting your health. This allows us to create tailored protocols to target your needs.

Testing reveals insights you cannot obtain through generalized lab work alone. It empowers you to take control of your health with real answers. No more guessing games or trial-and-error. Now we can address root causes, not just symptoms. This is the key to lasting transformation.

How will testing improve my health?

Think of your body like a complex machine. Now imagine trying to fix that machine without assessing what is broken or sub-optimally functioning. Testing allows us to pinpoint exactly what needs attention. From there, we can implement solutions to optimize each area.

For example, micronutrient testing may reveal a zinc deficiency impairing your immune health. We can correct it with zinc supplementation paired with dietary changes. Or gut microbiome testing may show an overgrowth of unhealthy bacteria causing brain fog and fatigue. We can rebalance your gut flora and reduce inflammation.

Testing illuminates issues that may never surface through standard labs alone. Identifying these underlying problems is the first step toward meaningful improvement. Testing provides a pivotal foundation from which your customized care plan can be built.

What is the process like?

Our testing process is seamless and convenient. You can schedule a lab appointment at our Lafayette office or utilize our at-home test kits. We will review all instructions with you and answer your questions.

Once your specimens are collected, the samples are processed by top CLIA-certified labs that we partner with. After your results are returned, you will come in for a consultation to review the findings in depth. We will explain what the results mean and outline a targeted protocol to optimize any deficient, imbalanced, or dysfunctional areas.

Follow-up testing is typically performed every 3-6 months to gauge improvements and make any necessary adjustments. We will be with you every step of the way with ongoing support, guidance, and encouragement as you take control of your health.

Will my insurance cover the testing?

Some of our testing may be covered by insurance when medically necessary. We advise checking with your provider to inquire about coverage details, as policies differ. For uninsured clients, we offer competitive pricing and financing options to make testing affordable.

Your health is invaluable—an investment in targeted testing yields priceless dividends in the form of clarity, control and positive change. We make every effort to remove financial barriers to make testing accessible. Contact us to learn about cost-saving packages.

Why choose Cambiati Wellness Programs for testing?

At Cambiati Wellness Programs, testing is one part of our whole-person approach to care. We combine testing with tailored lifestyle protocols, high-quality supplements, compassionate support, and motivation for lasting change.

Our founder, Rebecca Walker, is a clinical nutritionist with specialized training in the interpretation of cutting-edge lab testing. She leads a team of talented practitioners to provide personalized guidance based on your unique biochemistry and needs.

We also stand out through our:

  • Convenient Lafayette, CA location
  • Broad selection of advanced medical nutrition tests
  • Partnerships with top CLIA-certified labs across the country
  • Affordable pricing and financing options
  • Integrative testing options for a 360-degree overview
  • Ongoing support and accountability on your path to transformation

Ready to unlock your full potential for health? Discover the power of targeted testing. Schedule your consultation today at 925-280-4442 to determine which tests may be right for you. Let testing spark clarity, control and breakthroughs on your wellness journey.

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