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October 10, 2023

Lafayette, CA – FAQs About Complete Thyroid Panel Tests from a Wellness Center

Posted in: Industry News

Local Wellness Experts Discuss Thyroid Tests

Thyroid issues can cause a host of problems in the human body, but getting to the source of the problem isn’t always easy. While testing can be done, it’s important to know when to test and to test a number of different metrics to determine if the thyroid could be causing your health issues. Many people are misdiagnosed or don’t seek care for thyroid issues because the symptoms can vary, so we would like to educate the public on thyroid issues and how to properly test for them.

Our company exists to help people live life to the fullest by providing comprehensive wellness services. We focus on natural methods of healing, a healthy lifestyle and cleansing your body from harmful substances. We offer a full catalog of services to advance these goals, including expertise in nutrition and supplements, exercise plans, health consulting services and so much more.

In the sections to follow, we will answer a few common questions about thyroid issues and the testing we offer to help uncover potential issues with the thyroid.

What is a Thyroid Panel Test?

If you suspect thyroid issues, a thyroid panel test is the ideal way to determine the root cause and either begin treatment for a confirmed issue or rule out a thyroid problem. Some medical professionals only test certain aspects of the thyroid’s function, but a full thyroid panel tests everything which could be an issue, giving you peace of mind and a better chance to understand what is truly going on.

Thyroid issues can be an autoimmune problem itself or connected to other autoimmune disorders. This is where the body inhibits itself from performing correctly, and these problems can manifest themselves in many different ways. By undergoing a thyroid panel test, you allow your healthcare provider to create a treatment plan to make you feel like yourself again.

When Should I Be Tested?

A prevalent issue with thyroid problems is their difficulty in detection. Because thyroid problems can cause a wide range of symptoms, many of which are common with other illnesses/diseases, they often go untreated or misdiagnosed.

Getting tested is never a bad idea if you have had any of the following symptoms for long periods of time and have been unable to find the cause:

  • Feeling very tired, or very wired, regardless of the amount of sleep you get
  • Excessive weight gain or weight loss
  • Feeling overly hot or cold and having difficulty getting comfortable
  • Getting sick more often or other immunity issues

Why is Testing Important?

Thyroid testing allows a medical professional to make a plan and get you feeling like “you” again. Thyroid issues can severely impact physical and mental health, and Cambiati Wellness Programs advocates for testing when the aforementioned conditions persist.

Once we determine the issue, we can work with you to focus on your entire body and how the thyroid interacts with other systems to correct your body’s function and get you feeling back to normal. If you want to learn more about thyroid panel testing or any of our other services, please give us a call or schedule your consultation online today.

Check out our website here or call /text to get started! 925-280-4442.


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