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June 13, 2023

Danville, CA – Overview of Our Complete Thyroid Panel Service | Wellness News

Posted in: Industry News

If you are feeling fatigued, have trouble losing weight, and have been experiencing mood swings or hair loss, your thyroid may be to blame. The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate metabolism, heart rate, and body temperature, among other things. Women are particularly susceptible to thyroid problems, with one in eight women affected in the United States.

At Cambiati Wellness Programs, we offer a complete thyroid panel that assesses your thyroid function comprehensively, providing a better understanding of your health and well-being.

Why Testing Is Essential

A thyroid panel is more comprehensive to assess thyroid function than a standard blood test. While conventional doctors may only test for a couple of markers, like TSH and T4, we use a complete thyroid panel that tests for eight markers, sometimes uncovering conditions that would have been missed otherwise.

Our thyroid panel also tests for antibodies and genetic markers that can indicate autoimmune conditions such as Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. We know that often, symptoms can look similar but stem from different causes, which is why we take a functional, holistic approach to assess your thyroid function.

What Can a Complete Thyroid Panel Tell You?

Our complete thyroid panel assesses your thyroid hormones and antibodies to determine if your thyroid is functioning correctly. Suppose you are experiencing symptoms of hypothyroidism, such as fatigue, hair loss, constipation, and weight gain, or hyperthyroidism, such as sweating, irritability, weight loss, anxiety, and racing heart. In that case, we can identify the root cause of your symptoms. We can also assess if your symptoms are related to other health concerns.

How Our Comprehensive Thyroid Panel Can Help

Our comprehensive thyroid panel can help you regain your health by identifying underlying health problems related to your thyroid. Based on your results, we can create a personalized diet, lifestyle, and supplement program to help manage your symptoms and address the root cause of your health concerns. We will provide detailed guidance and support to make sustainable changes that will improve your overall health and well-being.

Why Work with Cambiati Wellness Programs?

At Cambiati Wellness Programs, we take a comprehensive approach to assessing your health concerns and provide you with a personalized plan that works. Our cutting-edge testing enables us to identify underlying health problems quickly. We offer detailed guidance and support, including resources, inspiration, accountability, and tools to help you make sustainable changes. We believe in celebrating your successes with you and will cheer you on every step of the way.

If you are experiencing symptoms related to thyroid dysfunction, a complete thyroid panel could be the answer. At Cambiati Wellness Programs, we help you regain your health and feel your best. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and get started on your journey to better health.

Visit our website here or get in contact with us at 925-280-4442 today to schedule a Thyroid Panel.

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