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July 07, 2020

Houston, TX – Commercial Roofing in Houston and Hurricane Season

Posted in: Industry News

Time again Houston. It’s hurricane season.

Hurricanes happen no matter what we do or don’t do. We don’t wish disaster on anyone but being prepared is always always always a good idea..

Do you have leaks in your flat roof? It’s supposed to be a flat roof but is it sloped enough for water to drain or is it building up in one little section?

A little leak can become a nightmare if left unchecked. If you aren’t sure if you have a leak just take a hose up to your flat roof and spray the roof down. It will help cool down your building for the moment but let’s see what happens to the water.

Usually if the water has pooled itself in one spot that’s a prime place for a leak to happen. That doesn’t mean there is a leak but it’s something to look for. Did the water start draining from the pool all of a sudden or did it go away by evaporation? It felt like it wasn’t by evaporation then you probably have a leak.

Don’t wait until after the hurricane in order to determine if you have a leak. Do it today. We can help you out and talk to you about what maintenance you need or even if you need any at all. As Commercial Roofing we go to numerous buildings all the time in order to determine if they have leaks fix but as well as replace the top layer of the flat roof.

Flat roofs are incredible and serve your building in so many ways but they do take a bit different management and maintenance than your traditional sloped roof like on your house. Call us today for your free quote or inspection.

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