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October 09, 2018

San Carlos, CA – Vehicle Graphics for Roundtree Plumbing and Heating in Record Time!

Posted in: Industry News

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Roundtree Plumbing & Heating was in desperate need to have their new Ford Transit vehicle branded with their logo and company information.  The unfortunate problem was that the company they had been using was no longer around and all they had was an old approval proof for a much smaller van.  Not only did they need a quote but help with matching colors that had chosen previously since they did not have the PMS color values.  The two colors needed to be in the same color palette but supply sufficient contrast while being a close enough color to the existing fleet of vehicles.

SignWorks, Inc. was excited about the project, and given the one week timeline, began by sending the client the link to our wholesaler’s website so we could get the colored vinyl ordered quickly.  Meanwhile, we had the van brought in so we could get accurate measurements and get the specialty 3M vinyl ordered.  Specialty vinyl and/or non-standard colors are often not stocked locally!  The client selected two teal colors which were expedited in order to meet the tight deadline.  Unfortunately, when the vinyls did arrive, there was not sufficient contrast between the two colors so we tried in vain to source a contrasting color from a San Leandro supplier and another in San Jose.  Fortunately, our sign maker was able to check his personal supply and come up with solution the next day.

As you can see from the pictures, the van looks great!  Once we had measurements we were able to design a new layout by using the old PDF (to match the font) and scaling the lettering to the larger size needed for the current van.  The side panels measured 92.5” wide and 28” tall, while the rear panel was 58” wide and 28.6” tall.  We also applied vinyl graphics to the doors.  Vehicle advertising is an extremely cost effective method of advertising, especially when compared to television, radio and newspaper ads.  Our client has been using fleet graphics successfully for a very long time!

Located in San Carlos and servicing the surrounding Bay Area, Roundtree Plumbing provides plumbing services to owners and contractors alike.  Its owner started working for the company in 1967 and bought it in 1971.  The company offers continued value engineering to assure seamless integration between new and old phases of work.  The company employs 120 professionals, of which over half are journeyman and apprentice plumbers.  Their client list is comprised of many local Albertson’s and Safeway stores.

Whether you are planning vinyl door decals or a nose to tail trailer wrap, let SignWorks be your go-to source for vehicle graphics and wraps.  We are proud of the work we do and we’re confident you will be too.  Give us a call at (510) 357-2000 or complete the contact form at our website. To learn more about us and our projects, just visit our website to view recent blog posts and photographs.


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