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August 13, 2020

Chandler, AZ – Fixing Water Leaks in Basement | Water Damage Restoration

Posted in: Industry News

Water Leaks in Basement

Is there a water leak in your basement? Here’s how you can fix it permanently!

Regardless of how well your basement was built, it might face a water leak at least once in its lifetime due to natural circumstances. Undetected water leaks in the basement can lead to extensive water damage. This is why you must figure out where the leak is coming from and put a stop to it before the situation gets way out of hand.

Here’s how you can stop and fix a basement leak:

Common Reasons Behind Basement LeaksWater Leaks

The most common reason behind a basement leak is hydraulic pressure created in the soil that surrounds your foundation. This is often caused by high water tables or due to excess moisture from drainage leaks, heavy rainfall, or even melted snow.

When the water table underneath your foundation rises, it creates a hydrostatic pressure against your foundation that forces water to enter your home through the basement floor. Additionally, if the soil that surrounds your home expands, then it can create lateral pressure against your foundation walls. The walls might crack under this pressure and allow water to seep through the basement floor.

Another major cause of basement leaks is overflowing window wells. If your exterior drainage system isn’t working effectively, then window wells can accumulate water after heavy rainfall. If the well was installed poorly, then it might allow water to pass through into your basement.

Common Sources of Basement Leaks

Here are the common sources of basement leaks:

  • Floor Cracks:As mentioned above, the hydrostatic pressure that pushes your basement floor upwards can cause cracks in it, which creates an easy passageway for water to leak into your basement.
  • Concrete Walls and Floors: If you have a poured concrete foundation, your basement might have porous spots that might allow water to seep through the surface over time.
  • Mortar Joints:Mortar joints in your foundation can easily crack under the water pressure and allow the water to enter your basement.
  • The Top of the Foundation Wall:If your deck or patio is sloped toward your home’s foundation, then water from rainfall and melted snow will run toward your home. It’ll enter into your basement through the small gaps between the sill plate and the top of your home’s foundation.

How to Fix Basement Water Leaks

To fix the leaks in your basement, you’ll have to repair any cracks in your floor. Relieve the hydrostatic pressure on your foundation by having another passageway for groundwater to go. You can accomplish this feat by installing an interior drainage system, which is essentially a drain pipe that’s installed underneath the slab. This pipe removes the rising groundwater and sends it to the sump pit. The water from the pit is then pumped out and away from your home via a sump pump drain.

Additionally, apply paint coat on the cracks of your concrete basement walls to prevent water from leaking through them. You also need to fill the cracks and holes in your foundation with hydraulic cement. For preventing water from entering through the top of your foundation, invest in proper exterior drainage along with downspouts and gutter systems.

If you’ve extensive water damage in your basement and your entire basement, stored items, machinery, etc., are drenched in water, then contact a water damage restoration service right away.

For professional water damage restoration and extraction and drying services, visit our website today!

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