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December 29, 2023

Attleboro, MA – Importance of Networking as a Business Owner | Coaching News

Posted in: Industry News

Networking. The word alone is enough to make some business owners cringe. Visions of cramped rooms filled with forced small talk likely come to mind. But while traditional networking evokes dread for many, it doesn’t have to be that way.

As an Attleboro business owner, you can transform networking into an enjoyable endeavor that yields meaningful relationships and abundant opportunities. How? By rethinking conventional networking wisdom.

In this article, I’ll challenge stale assumptions about networking and share unconventional perspectives. You’ll discover tips to network in ways that feel authentic to you while accelerating connection and business growth. Let’s dive in.

Old Belief: Networking is a Chore

Conventional wisdom positions networking as a necessary chore – something to begrudgingly endure for the sake of business. But this mindset instantly limits your potential. It frames networking as an obligation, not a joy.

How can we rethink this? Reframe networking as a chance to satisfy your human need for community and contribution. Outgoing or introverted, we all crave connection. Approaching networking as an opportunity to bond with others makes it feel less laborious.

Likewise, remember that relationships are reciprocal – forging connections benefits you and others. Focus less on what you’ll gain and more on how you can generously contribute value. When networking satisfies your soul, it ceases feeling like a chore.

Old Belief: Focus on Quick Wins

Many business owners view networking events as chance to collect as many business cards as possible. This treats people as means to an end, not humans seeking connection.

A better mindset? Focus less on quickly gaining something from each person you meet. Instead, adopt a farmer mentality. Plant seeds by making genuine connections. Patiently nurture those relationships. Then, in time, you’ll reap organic benefits as trust and familiarity grow.

Resist the temptation to speed network. Invest in relationships that gradually yield rewards. This mentality shift takes pressure off any given interaction.

Old Belief: Talk About Yourself

“What do you do?” It’s the tired, standard networking question we force ourselves to ask and answer all night long. Conversations centered on basic personal details reflect an intent to take, not give.

So shake up the script. Ask engaging questions that go below the surface. Discover others’ passions, interests and stories. Share amusing anecdotes from your life, not rehearsed professional spiels.

Focus conversations on the other person. This builds rapport much faster than self-promotion. If appropriate, sprinkle in vulnerable or humorous personal details. The more fully you view and treat people, the more you stand out.

In Summary

Rethinking conventional networking wisdom reveals a better path: one focused on genuine human connection vs transactional gains. Can you adopt a mindset of networking for joy vs obligation? Take a farmer’s patient approach? Make conversations about others, not yourself?

Small mental shifts yield an exponentially better experience. And when networking is rewarding, you’ll do more of it – accelerating your business growth.

Actionable Tips to Network Authentically

Ready to rethink your approach to networking in Attleboro? Here are unconventional tips to help you build authentic relationships and see results faster:

– Host dinner parties. Invite a mix of existing contacts and new ones to your home for intimate conversation. Bonds deepen quickly in this setting.

– Spotlight others. When you meet someone doing good work, nominate them for awards or introduce them to influential people in your network. This builds tremendous goodwill.

– Follow up creatively. Make your outreach personal. Send a book you referenced in your conversation or an article tailored to something they mentioned. Thoughtful gestures stand out.

– Ask for advice. Most people enjoy being consulted for their opinion. Solicit their guidance on a challenge you’re facing. Watch your relationship strengthen.

– Praise publicly. Promote people’s work and accomplishments on your social channels. Public acknowledgment means a lot.

– Stay curious. Keep exploring colleagues’ interests. If a new book, restaurant, or hobby relates to them, share it. People feel valued when you remember what captivates them.

The Takeaway 

Networking has tremendous power to accelerate your Attleboro business when approached through a mindset of contribution over extraction. By focusing on meaningful relationship building over quick wins, you become a magnetic connector.

So challenge assumptions about the practice. Reframe it as an opportunity to satisfy your human needs for community and contribution. Adopt unconventional habits that help you authentically relate to people.

Soon, you’ll start looking forward to networking events instead of dreading them. And you’ll watch fruitful opportunities blossom as your connections expand. Reach out if you need any guidance on reimagining networking. As a FocalPoint business coach, I’m happy to help you build an approach that works for your unique personality and business goals. Contact me today.

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