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December 20, 2019

Fortworth, TX – 4 Tips to Prevent Water Damage in Your Office ∣ Water Damage News

Posted in: Industry News

In an office building, water damage can be extremely costly and can cause non-tangible losses as well.

A flooded office is not a functional office and each day it is closed, you will face losses. This is why you need to make sure that you actively look after the building. Prevention is better than the cure and avoiding water damage is better. To do this, you will have to take various precautions which will make sure that your chances of water damage.

There’s no solution that guarantees that your chances of water damage will be 100% reduced. However, the following are some useful tips you should apply to avoid water damage in your office:

  1. Insulating All the Pipes

During the winters, insulating all the pipes is necessary because the freezing temperatures will cause the water to solidify. Then, when the temperature drops, this water will melt. The constant expansion and contraction that the pipes have to face will cause them to weaken and eventually burst.

To avoid this, make sure that all your pipes, especially the exposed ones are properly insulated. These are at more danger to fluctuating temperatures. Insulating costs are also lower than what the cost will be to repair and replace a broken pipe.

  1. Check the Drainage and Gutters

Water damage can also happen when the drains and gutters are clogged. When this happens, the water gets clogged in one area and eventually starts to pool there. With nowhere to go, this pool of water will eventually start to seep into the surroundings.

To prevent damage to the exterior and interior of the building, you have to make sure to check all the gutters and drains. Remove any debris and make sure that the drains can easily transport any water. Additionally, have the drains and gutters cleaned properly every month with the help of professionals.


  1. Clearing the Roof

When it snows or there is sleet, you can find a sheet of ice forming on the roof of the house. This sheet of ice of snow can often be tons of pounds of snow that your roof has to deal with. The excess weight will shorten the life of your roof.

It can also cause cracks, gaps or other pressure-based damages to form on the roof. In this case, you will have to remove the ice consistently. It is a good idea to salt the roof and have it cleaned professionally. This will help to ensure that your roof is in good condition.

  1. Sealing all the Gaps and Cracks

Apart from these, you have to make sure to seal all gaps and cracks that are visible to you. These can either be on the roof, the exterior or the interior of the house. If the gap is enough for the wind to pass through it, you should seal it completely.

Humidity can also seep into these gaps and cause water damage. Over time, you will notice that a certain area with a gap is getting a water stain. Use some good quality sealants and get this done as soon as possible.


Making sure that your office building is properly insulated and maintained can work wonders in preventing water damage.

For more information about our services, visit our website.

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