TheFort Myers CityScoop

Contract Law News
Fort Myers, FL

Fort Myers, FL – When Litigation is The Way to Go | Ask Our Contract Lawyer

When Litigation is The Way to Go You are in a dispute with a person or a company and it’s just not getting resolved no matter what you do. You are at a point of frustration with the issue and have decided you want to take them to court, litigate, and win! There really are times when you have no option left other than litigation. That's when you need the h…

Fort Myers, FL – Sometimes There are Reasons You MUST Litigate | Contract Law

Sometimes There are Reasons You MUST Litigate Many businesses and individuals attempt to avoid litigation at all costs. It's expensive, it's time-consuming, and, regardless of which side you're on, there's no guarantee you'll win the case. Any lawyer worth his or her salt will tell you there are certainly times when you should settle out of court. But are…

Fort Myers, FL – When is Litigation Your Only Option? | Ask Contract Law Expert

When is Litigation Your Only Option? When you are in a dispute with someone it may seem like pursuing legal action is a scary direction in which to go. However, here at ZinnLaw in Fort Myers, FL, we want you to know that sometimes litigating in court is the only way to appropriately resolve the dispute. A legal battle is no small deal, and it can be diffi…

Fort Myers, FL – To Litigate or Not, That is The Question | Contract Law Expert

To Litigate or Not, That is The Question Every day, people and companies in Southwest Florida end up in litigation. While there are many reasons for it, in the end it comes down to the fact that they feel they are right about having been wronged by someone else, and they deserve to be compensated for it, or they are suing to make the other party quit doin…

Fort Myers, FL Solutions for Subcontractors: Filing Claim Under Mechanic’s Lien

As a subcontractor, you also deserve to be paid in a timely fashion by the primary contractor on any construction job. If you’re being brought on to a job by a prime contractor, chances are, you are not going to have all the details of the contract with the end client. You are there to complete one aspect of the project, and then go about your business.…

Fort Myers, FL – Mitigating Risks of Non-Contract Payment Do Your Due Diligence

You can mitigate against the risk of late payment or non-payment through a little due diligence before any project begins. When working with homeowners, you should ask what their planned budget is for the job, and if they have a plan to pay for the work that is being done. You might even ask for a credit report on the homeowner before beginning the project.…

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