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April 17, 2023

Fort Myers, FL – Antique Expert’s Tips on Determining Quality of Vintage Glasswa

Posted in: Industry News

Nothing beats the high of finding and buying a brand-new piece for your vintage glassware collection. Uncovering the history behind the item and marveling at its beauty is intoxicating, and it’s often what keeps collectors coming back again and again as they build their collection.

Equally as palpable an emotion is the feeling of anger if you were to discover, for example, that the invaluable item you just splurged on is nothing more than an imitator.

Could you imagine paying hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands only to discover that the “priceless Baccarat vase” is actually a factory-made piece of zirconia?

Judy’s Jewelry of Fort Myers, Florida boasts years of experience in the field, and so they have a few quick tips in making sure you don’t get taken for a ride at your next auction or private sale.

Do Your Homework

You’d be surprised at the amount of hassle and headache you can save with a simple Google search. Before buying anything that claims to be a valuable item, research the brand and era to see if what is pictured or displayed matches the stylings of the era.

For example, carnival glass often has an iridescent sheen, while milk glass is distinguishably opaque and hobnail glass features raised dimples around the circumference of their pieces.

If an advertised item from a specific era, brand, or style doesn’t match what you are able to find when searching online or consulting experts, it is a thinly veiled ruse and you should walk away.

Inspect Firsthand

There are a number of things you might notice when interacting with an authentic piece of vintage glassware.

For example, vintage glassware will be noticeably heavier than counterfeit imitators. You may also notice some chipping, scratching, or some degree of wear and tear unless the piece has been preserved very well.

Keep in mind– vintage glassware is sometimes more than one hundred years old, and it’s only natural that the piece would experience some degree of wear and tear over the years. This is especially true for Depression and Carnival glass, as both were made to be readily available during the eras in which they were created and treated as such.

Carnival glass was named as such because it was actually awarded to patrons as a prize if they succeeded at carnival games, meaning many pieces from this era were packed up and carted from town to town until they found a permanent home.

In addition, many manufacturers worked their logo or insignia into the piece, letting buyers and owners know that they are holding a true authentic piece of vintage glassware.

Consult an Expert

The absolute best way to make sure your item is the real deal is by consulting an expert, such as those you will find at Judy’s Jewelry in Fort Myers. Their staff boasts years of experience and, when it comes to vintage glassware, they really know their stuff.

Don’t take our word; stop by today and find out firsthand what makes Judy’s Jewelry the leading experts in antiques and vintage glassware in the area!

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