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August 04, 2023

Fremont, CA – Incorporating Daily Life Ergonomics With An Ergonomic Specialist

Posted in: Industry News

Getting the assistance from an ergonomic specialist when setting up a workstation can make a big difference in how we feel and work. Ergonomics delves into the science behind arranging equipment and features to fit our own bodies to reduce strain, discomfort, and risk of an ergonomic related injury. An ergonomic specialist can see things from a new lens to uncover what issues may be leading to discomfort and inefficiencies.

When seeking the assistance from an ergonomic specialist, you need to consider someone with the appropriate experience in the field applicable. Most specialists will understand how to properly adjust a computer workstation, but if you have a laboratory or industrial setting you want to look into this further. The ergonomic specialist should have compassionate qualities that help them focus on the issues that are present. This person will need to have a technical background to understand heights, specifications of chairs or desks or trays. Lastly, the ergonomic specialist should own the process entirely and provide a perspective on how to utilize the equipment/devices that are recommended or currently available holistically.

How to implement ergonomics on the daily?

Aside from adjusting your desk and chair height, monitor position, and keyboard placement every time as needed to promote the ideal posture. Take frequent breaks doing stretches or getting up out of your chair during those pauses. Focus on activities that promote blood flow. Think in terms of creative ways to include movement such as using stairs over elevators, parking farther from a location, and pacing around the workspace when on the phone.

In a home office environment, there are many ways to incorporate ergonomics into your day. When in the car, get it adjusted properly to ensure sufficient lumbar support and distances to the wheel and pedals to optimize postures there. Try not to operate mobile phones or tablets for more than a couple of hours total per day. You can talk on them, just avoid typing out long sentences without connecting an external keyboard to it or using dictation.

Engage in sports and physical activities to ensure that you shield your body from an ergonomic related injury. If you work outside of a computer setting, warm-up your body each day before work with dynamic and static stretching routines. This will improve your flexibility and reduce the risk of strains and sprains as well as relax you physically and mentally.

The benefits of incorporating ergonomics with the guidance of an ergonomic specialist will lead to increased productivity and improved overall health and well-being. More importantly, applying ergonomic principles are shown to result in better increased energy levels and focus.

By recruiting the advice of an ergonomic specialist, we can all be more productive, feel better, and be healthier versions of ourselves. We will acquire less pain to help us focus on our tasks and everyday life. It will make things enjoyable and it’s well worth the time to do so.

Are you in a need of personal consultation? Call ERGOBILITY today and schedule appointment with our local ergonomist specialist. You can also click here to schedule a virtual consultation right away!

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