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June 11, 2023

Berkeley, CA – Negative effects of long sitting by top rated ergonomic trainer

Posted in: Industry News

Sitting all day at a computer can have some ill effects on the body as the lack of movement encourages tightness in muscle tissues and thus static postures. Here are reasons why a full day of sitting is harmful to your wellbeing:

  1. Musculoskeletal issues: Gluing your behind to a chair for a sustained period leads to muscle stiffness. They learn the postures they’re placed into. So as fatigue settles in, our postures become compromised and slouching or hunching over a keyboard, becomes a stiff version of this poor posture. This can cause the neck, shoulders, and lower back to feel the consequences after a full 8 hour day. This lack of movement relaxing into the seat causes the muscles of the core to weaken and become stiff.
  2. Increases risks of chronic diseases: “Your chair will kill you” is a term used and some truth is behind this statement. The seated position increases your risk of developing chronic health conditions related to low metabolism such as obesity, heart disease, type-2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer. Sitting all day negatively impacts metabolic health factors including blood circulation and insulin sensitivity over time.
  3. Poor blood circulation: Sitting all day also impairs blood circulation in the lower extremities leading to such consequences such as swollen ankles, varicose veins, and blood clots.
  4. Eye strain: Looking into an illuminated computer screen all day also can lead to eye strain, dryness, and fatigue. Our gaze is controlled by the muscles of our eyes and that can also fatigue as well. These factors contribute to the development of such conditions such as Computer Vision Syndrome.
  5. Mental well-being: Sitting all day will impact your mental health whether you think you have control over this or not. This can cause increases of stress, anxiety, and reduced cognitive function. All in all, computer work is sedentary and without physical activity as well as exposure to natural light, it will affect your mood.

How do we stop these affects and still work at a computer?

Incorporating standing as a regiment when working at a computer workstation setup can help battle some of the issues mentioned earlier on. The following are just five reasons why standing at a computer workstation can be of benefit to you:

  1. It improves posture: Standing vs. sitting is better for posture since it encourages a more upright back and torso posture compared to sitting. This improved posture reduces the strain on the spine which includes the neck and back but also the shoulders as well. Standing has slightly moreĀ  engagement of core muscles which helps the pelvis and spine keep from awkward postures.
  2. It increases calorie burn: Standing burns more calories than sitting slightly and has a slight increase in metabolic effect as well. While the difference is not shown to be significant in some studies, it can contribute to a more active and dynamic work routine. So if you don’t have a treadmill desk or a under the desk cycling unit, why not stand as the next best thing to potentially support weight management and overall energy expenditure.
  3. It enhances blood circulation: Standing has shown to promote increases in blood flow in some areas of the body around the hips but you have to stand for a short duration and high frequency. This helps prevent issues such as swollen ankles and the development of blood clots in the lower extremity.
  4. It boosts concentration: Some studies have shown that standing while working increases alertness and concentration. This would translate to improved work productivity. The actual act of standing can also activate the body and mind in a way that give your body a natural energy boost during long work hours.
  5. It improves flexibility: A yoga instructor says it’s all about the static passive stretching you do throughout the day and standing allows for a bit more freedom of movement when compared to sitting. Standing enables you to stretch and shift positions a bit more. This helps combat the negative effects prolonged sitting including tight muscles around the hips, lower back, and upper legs.

The key to standing properly at a computer workstation is to switch between sitting and standing frequently and avoid long durations of either one. Find your own balance and regiment of sitting and standing. Don’t forget to also add in quick two to three minute stretch or movement breaks every 45 minutes throughout the work day. This is the key to an ideal sit to stand desk culture.

To learn more about standing workstations or how to use them optimally, visit our ERGOBILITY website and schedule appointment with an ergonomic specialist.

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