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April 07, 2011

Signage FAQ – What should my sign say?

Posted in: Industry News

Keep it simple! The first thing to decide is the purpose of the sign and then find a way to make the message clear and concise. Don’t forget “a picture is worth a thousand words”! Graphics can make a visual impression that lasts longer than text. 

Focus on WHO, WHAT, and HOW using a few keywords that strike home with your customers. WHO are you? WHAT can you do for them (NOT how great you are!). HOW to contact you.

WHO you are is all about brand recognition. The more often your “brand” or name / logo are in front of your customers the more memorable it will be. The yellow arches of McDonald’s instantly bring to mind hamburgers, fast food, etc. If you don’t have strong brand recognition, you have to build it. Your sign should clearly tell your customers who you are.

WHAT you can do for your customers is the essence of your message. They really don’t care how great you are. Ever heard of WIFM – what’s in it for me? Customers only care about what you can do for them. Can you save them time, money, frustration? Does your product cater to their emotional side – luxury, tranquility, comfort?

HOW the customer can take advantage of your services or products must be abundantly clear. With the internet it’s easy for people to find you if your name or brand is familiar. If not, your location or contact information is important so make it stand out.

Consider your audience. Tradeshow displays target other businesses or people in the same / related industry so the message is far different from a retail sign. Vehicle wraps or lettering are rolling billboards that create brand recognition in a powerful way so your logo, your service, and your contact information are most important. Your storefront or building sign is more than your “location marker”. If you have a high-level of brand recognition you might want to boost attention with promotional / sales signs. If not, your sign should clearly communicate what services / products you offer.

Understand what message you want to convey. Do it clearly and simply.

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