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May 28, 2019

Recycling Signs Help Los Angeles Warehouse Reduce Waste and Help Sustainability!

Posted in: Client Examples

If you spent some time reading our blog, you have undoubtedly encountered some of the work we did for Nestle Waters. Examples include Lean Six Sigma signs and Visi-cooler vinyl wraps. This time around, a management team representative called us to talk about putting together some recycling signs in Los Angeles.

Supporting the Company’s Recycling Initiative

Warehouse Recycling Signs Los Angeles CA

Los Angeles businesses pride themselves on their commitment to sustainability. Nestle is a thought leader in this field. To ensure that staff members understood the optimal sorting of recyclables, the company’s management team asked us to put together a total of six signs that our technicians would then mount to the fencing above the dumpsters and bins.

Fence Mounted Recycling Signs in Los Angeles CA

The signs differentiate the bins by color. Next, they highlight the items that workers might sort into these bins. The identification takes place with the written word as well as images of the items in question. This combination of lettering and graphics as well as color-coding is an excellent example of making environmental protection quick, easy, and achievable.

Environmental Services Signs for Your Business

Recycling Signs for Warehouses in Los Angeles CA

Nestle is a great example of how to handle large volumes of trash that a warehouse might generate on a daily basis. Rather than lumping it all together into a set of dumpsters, the company decided to recycle all waste items. Besides that, it even added another bin for things that could be composted.

Your business may have different needs.

  • Environmental health and safety. Outline what your expectations are concerning trash management. Recycling should be a company-wide effort that begins in the employee lounge and permeates all areas of the business. Our shop can customize signage for warehouses, offices, and restaurants.
  • Use etiquette. You might also know them as trail etiquette signs. These markers highlight ways of protecting natural resources. Examples might include trail use and packing out the trash that someone brought in or generated during their stay.
  • Hazard identification. Tell first responders and anyone entering a specific area of your company what to expect. By outlining particular hazards, only people who know how to handle the materials will enter. Doing so prevents accidents and potentially improperly discarded waste.

Ordering Customized Recycling Signs in Los Angeles, CA

Recycling Signs | Orange County CA | LA County CA

What could your warehouse recycling signs look like? Would you include a border with your branding information? Maybe you prefer that we design the markers to feature your corporate palette. We recommend the use of aluminum or composite signs for durability, aesthetics, and weathering. If you display them outside, these are indeed the best options.

For interior venues, you might also consider the use of wall graphics. These are budget-friendly alternatives that adhere to all types of walls. They can help employees decide at a glance how to do their parts in protecting the environment. Some clients find it helpful to present an informational display board inside that outlines the recycling rules outside. If you are making changes to your policies or are implementing them for the first time, this is a good choice to get everyone on the same page.

Learn more about your options today by contacting our signage specialists now.

Free quote on custom recycling signs in Los Angeles CA

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