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July 01, 2022

Sandy Springs, GA – AC Replacement Signs from an Atlanta-Based A/C Contractor

Posted in: Industry News

In Sandy Springs, GA, summers can be brutally hot. When an air conditioner is on the fritz, it can make those steamy days even more unbearable. How do you know when it’s time to replace your A/C unit?

If your AC unit is more than ten years old, it’s likely time for a replacement. Here are seven signs from an Atlanta-based A/C contractor that indicate it’s time to upgrade to a new air conditioning system:

1) There is Moisture and Water Damage

If you see any water or moisture damage around your AC unit, it may be time for a replacement. Check for leaks, condensation, and pooling water. These are the signs that the AC unit is not working properly and needs to be replaced.

Leaks can occur for different reasons, such as a loose connection or a crack in the unit. If you see leaks, it’s important to have them fixed as soon as possible to avoid further damage.

Condensation is another sign that your AC unit is not working properly. If you see condensation outside the unit, the unit is not draining properly. It can lead to water damage and mold growth.

2) Your Energy Bills Are Going Up

If you’ve noticed that the energy bills have been gradually going up each month, it could be an avoidable sign that the AC unit is working harder than it used to.

It is usually due to the unit becoming less efficient as it ages. If you think this could be the case, contact an AC contractor to have them take a look.

Another reason could be that there is something wrong with your ductwork. For example, leaky or poorly insulated ducts can cause your AC unit to work harder than it needs to, which will drive up your energy bills.

An expert HVAC installation company can select the right AC unit for your home and ensure it is properly installed and maintained.

If you’re in Sandy Springs, GA, or the surrounding area, contact us today for all your AC needs.

3) You Can Hear Strange Noises Coming From the System

If you begin to hear strange noises coming from your AC unit, it is a sign that something is wrong. These sounds could be anything from buzzing or humming to grinding or thumping.

Some common reasons for these noises are:

-The fan blades may be hitting something inside the unit

-There could be loose parts that are rattling around

-The compressor might be failing

If you hear noises coming from an AC unit, it is best to call a professional to look at it. Continuing to run the system with these issues can cause further damage and cost you more money in the long run.

4) There Are Humidity Issues in Your Home

If you’ve been noticing that your home has been feeling more humid than usual, it could be a sign that the AC unit is no longer performing as it should. When air conditioners dehumidify the air, they also help to cool it. So, if you’re starting to notice an increase in humidity levels, it’s a good idea to have your AC unit checked out.

Cunningham Associates is an Atlanta-based A/C contractor that provides AC replacement signs to Sandy Springs, GA. The local residents can count on the company for quality workmanship and customer service.

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