TheAlma CityScoop

Alma, AR

Van Buren, AR – Local Heating Expert Talks About ‘The Smell’ From Your Furnace

A strange and unpleasant burning smell, when you turn on the furnace for the first time of the year, is normal in most circumstances. It usually occurs because dirt and other debris have accumulated over it during the summer. The smell will go away once the dirt and grime are burned off, usually within an hour. Sometimes burning smells suggest a more seri…

Mulberry, AR – Local Heating Expert Discusses Leaky Windows and Their Affect

Leaky windows cause heat loss in your home. Heat loss results in more expensive energy bills and causes your heating system to work harder to warm the home. Ultimately, this added work causes wear and tear to the heating system that can affect its lifetime. How do Leaky Windows Affect My Home’s Heat? Leaky windows affect home heating in a multitude of…

Mulberry, AR – Local Heating Expert Gives Advice on Fall Furnace Maintenance

Furnace service isn’t required per se but certainly benefits the product and homeowner's wallet. Furnace manufacturers recommend annual service and often neglect to cover damage caused by a lack of maintenance. Yes, it is that important! A well-maintained furnace performs more efficiently and can reduce energy costs. It helps improve the air quality in your…

Mulberry, AR – HVAC Expert Explains The Difference Between HEPA and MERV Filters

Unquestionably, you want your family to live in a healthy home. Poor indoor air quality often affects our health, causing sneezing and sniffling and a host of other allergy and asthma-like symptoms. With a great HVAC filter, most issues like these are easily avoidable. The problem is, a Google search suggests both HEPA filters and MERV filters as the best an…

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